i think ,what in my head now, must be update on blogger.i could not stop thinking yet what in my head now,it's more topic tonight. tdi morning, in fact i hate when my group theme can't not work together about this assingment. really really wanna make me can't stop thinking.psl this assingment is not too difficult.but someone pun yg nda dpt buat kaa except this friend of mine,
so i prefer buat sndri this assingment and bwa blik rumh. waste time sja klu tunggu2 lgi. it should submit on tuesday ari tuu, but my group sja yg lmbat antr and never done at all.and today our presentation. but not this group. group yg the others lagii. we have to present next day nya lgi.. sigh ! nasiib jua cgu ane nda sound2 nya. cold sja tdi.haha.that good laa,"chill sja tia cgu "
hey, you know my clock show this is 11.50pm. now im in the bed room still blogging and my auncle outside,alone.he's watching for sumthing on pc. aa wacthing a movie.. hee ! so then i sing out from blogging and sign out msn.haha ketara tiaa o9 mlm2..log out friendster.auuw,view2 sja baaa.. and close everything yg should be close. GOOD BYE !
30 July 2009
Posted by Bella205 at 08:25 0 comments
now my time for update more. today school sedikit horrible but something can change my day to became good. i got combind science lesson today. verry good as well as possible. hehe .psl pgi tadi berabis laa okey nya,nda berita mengeluh. i come inside 4a2 class without any permission.pura2 laa mncri kwn. haha so tdi i meet si vina buzy with her novel and machel buzy with chewing her nugget on mouth. hoho.
heee ! "fuzzy wuzzy was are bear.fuzzy wuzzy no hair.fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy.was he ?" you know what im doing. this actually nothing. just my teacher do it for us. this called"tounge twister" speak it' faster then more faster. you got it ? try your self and what then you get.
Posted by Bella205 at 06:20 0 comments
26 July 2009
i love this
i watched this stupid cartoon just now, really horrible. i think he should not try this running machine aa. just try to watch it if you so curiosity
Posted by Bella205 at 02:14 0 comments
23 July 2009
holla. even im not going to update more or even yet,firstly gonna talk aboaut my - 8 - heeh. im so glad since he texting with me now.he made my night become nightmare and so he almost be praasan when im saying he's sweet .
today school was pretty awesome.know what, there is not also pretty awesome,but it was quite buzy in the time. combine science lesson.we study about covalent bonding . yg pnting. study about kira2 atu laa. my god. kancang kepala uleh nya.. but it's was cold also. im still search how to sattel up that problem aa,i just get few yg balance.yg lain antaa. pusiing yaw !

Posted by Bella205 at 07:42 0 comments
17 July 2009
i was not sure both of them.
Posted by Bella205 at 01:06 0 comments
12 July 2009
11 July 2009
i got this and that
heyoo duniia, nothing to post and nothing to say, and trying hard for posting and saying blablabla..tdi skulah okey ler.bnyk jua yg pura2 skiit manh.now 11.06pm people still sing on outside.serba boleeh smuaa ! yeah,yeah if u say this not too important or not telling me going to say this thing.dont mind just ignore it. so i just want to mention this about my uncle own band. so they are 7 of them whose joining this band. my uncle known as "enoi" a.k.a "denal" sorry for wrong spelling uncle . haha.he made this own group started last year. and going to be maintain cool on the time,eyseeh. mudahan !!
THIS BAND known as " D COUSIN" because this made up of uncle and his cousin.very proud of him and the geng. owkey, i just let this end until here. and buaaaiii !
thankquuee aar for visit and reading this post guyz.
Posted by Bella205 at 07:34 0 comments
6 July 2009
who's over 38 degree celcius
Today school opening,our teacher are remind to the student for checking the temperature before enter the class,everyday ryte ?? sekalii nya tdii,katanya,katanya jgn beimpit..beimpit jua..astee so after checking kna bgi sticker.. then the most yg siuuk meet all the friends ! only one of my classmate using the mask. yg lain indaa..ada yg bwa..tapii maluu tah pulang.. 3 of the student are absent over 26.alasaaan.. mls,damam,it okey leer. so sypa yg over 38 pnas nya..get out from school baby ! timbalan pengetua say this word.. wrost.. joke*joke*.
one of my teacher taking this problem so so serious. sastra tcher, she asking my classmate yg ada flu biasa tdii.katanyaa
tcher ;asking her name**
tcher; dmam ko kaa
aiman,classmate ; sdang laa *btuk2*
tcher;klu inda tcher suruh ko blik
aiman;*dlm ati*ngalaau, aku ok sja tcher
tcher;nda papa tu, mau ko blik ?
tcher;eeh,krg menjagkit,ksiaan kwn2 kmu krg
aiman;aku ok sja tcher
tcher;bnr aa ko nda papa
aiman;au ceeer.
tcher; pls aa kmu,jgn anggap kes ane main2,serious skit.klu ada dmam,jgn th surh parents kmu ngantar ke skulh
classmate;aku dmam cgu*** haha
this only freak joke in the class on sstra lesson.
for 1st day, keseluruhannya siuk,haha.bella end .
Posted by Bella205 at 02:16 0 comments