27 February 2011
Posted by Bella205 at 02:11 0 comments
26 February 2011
( i don't even read this surat putus cinta, but i let's you read first, cause i will be read ahead, since now i chat with my friend adwaa, so i can't give full attention reading this surat cinta, i got this from someone yang katanya ada sedih dan calii !. baa read ahead.)
Assalamualaikum, (inda jawap berdosa ni)
You sihat? Makan dah? Dah baca Brudirect.com? Boss kadai kaling sebalah rumah you sihat? Ignored saja soalan me yang last atu, macam tah you tinggal serumah. Yang benarnya, surat ani besar tujuannya, pasal atu me inda berani cakap face to face arah you. Manalah tahu if berjumpa, lepas cakap you tumbuk me, atu kira nasib baik dah you tumbuk me, kalau abang you yang mengangkat besi atu menumbuk, baik jangan diimagine. Me inda pulang takut, tapi inda sanggup saja. Gugur tia saham me kalaulah hidung me picak bakas kana penumbuk sulung you.
Lepas you baca surat ani, baik tah you call kawan you minta dangani beli baga di Tungku Homemade burger, me tahu you kenyamanan baga bisdorang, kata you baganya menghilangkan rasa sedih and sekaligus, lapar.
Me banarnya mahu putuskan relation us. Please jangan nangis! Nampak bini – bini menangis mudah tia kan lapas kepala lutut me ani. That’s why me nada mahu bagitahu dapan – dapan. See, how berperikemanusian me ani? Time – time cani pun me masih mementingkan perasaan you. menjaga hati you yang mudah luluh atu.
Tapi sekiranya you menangis jua, baik jangan bercucuran aing mata you di atas surat ani, karang payah you membaca sampai habis. Lagipun malu you karang lepas melihatkan surat ani arah BFF you, ejaannya ada kabur – kabur bakas tekana aing mata. Nah, siapa yang malu? Lihat, betapa me menjaga maruah you di dapan kawan – kawan you yang kadang – kadang me benci because inda pandai masuk diurat oleh me. Tapi Si Lela saja me inda benci pasal ia lawa, ia single masihkan?
About janji – janji me dulu, mahu sehidup semati dengan you, mahu kahwini you, mahu bawa you ke Paris atu, you lupakan saja, ok? Me inda mahu you hidup dalam kesedihan mengenangkan segala janji yang inda tercapai. Kalau you masih mahu ke Paris, me cadangkan you pakai Air Asia, tambangnya murah. Ataupun, you continue saja janji atu with bakal boyfriend you. Btw, kalau ada boyfriend baru atu, make sure jangan handsome dari me, karang jealous me.
Satu pinta me, janganlah you ingat me putuskan you sebab me ada orang lain. Sumpah! Me nada curang. Sebenarnya, sebelum sama you, me sudah ada tunang. Maknanya di sini, me curang sama tunang me but not with you. Title you sebenarnya scandal saja. Me inda tahu macam mana semua ani boleh berlaku, me berlaku curang. Tunang me masih balum tahu. Sebelum terjadi apa – apa yang inda diingini, me putuskan you! Pintarkan me atu?
Selepas putus ani, you jangan tah tag lagi gambar me sama you, jangan di poke Facebook me. Takut – takut tunang me memakai, karang you yang kana tuduh cuba merampas bakal laki orang. Ops, me lupa bagitahu yang kami bakal berkahwin dalam masa 3 minggu, lebih tepat 17 hari lagi. Oleh sebab ani, me staple kad jamputan kahwin, nikah and malam berbedak untuk you. kalau you mahu tahu, cenderahati semasa kahwin kami, you akan dapat 1kg beras Laila, ruggedkan? Sama macam perkahwinan impian you.
Sebenarnya, hampir seminggu me inda bertidur memikirkan pasal hal ani, untuk memutuskan you, Ops salah, 6 hari yang banarnya me inda bertidur, sehari lagi atu gara – gara berjaga melihat bola Manchester yo main time subuh.
Dijadikan cerita daripada me putus tunang, lebih baik me putuskan you. Me banding – bandingkan sudah! Janganlah you fikir, you inda lawa, gila tu eh. You lawa bah, lawa gila! Pasal atu me suka you dulu. Mata you bulat macam panda atu, terkenang plang masa me cucuk mata you, inda pasal – pasal you bertahan di hospital 2 hari. Sampai sekarang you rabun dakat. Kesian eh.
Me sarankan you redha saja dengan kePUTUSan ani. Me ani inda jua berapa handsome. Sungguh me inda handsome, ramai jua bah me-like gambar me di Facebook. Inbox me? Jangan tah cakap, sanggal melayan. Berbalik pasal you yang lawa ani, if you bida, bahapa tah me taruh gambar you dulu jadi profile picture me? Nah, terbukti bah you lawa. Now me tukar dah, me show off saja kereta bakal bini me, Skyline GTR! Harta tunang me, me jua punya tapi harta me, harta me. Jangan jealous, dang.
Sepanjang 3 tahun we couple, me halalkan segala pemberian me. Begitu jua me harap you halalkan saja segala duit yang you tulung me membayar bil karan rumah, bil kereta, bil telephone, bil aing. Yang me anggarkan dalam $24,200 atu. Sebelum atu jua, please help me settlekan bil kereta bulan ani, sekali ani saja. Bukan apa, me kan kahwin, mana cukup loan me $35 ribu atu. Tuhan saja yang membalas sekiranya you membayarkan installment bulan ani. Last ni, sumpah!
Akhirnya sekali, kenangkanlah me dalam doa you. Doakan me bahagia disamping bakal bini yang amat me sayangi. Kalau you mahu tahu, bakal bini me ani satu office sama you. You baca saja kad jamputan kahwin atu. Tahu you tu siapa ia. Jangan benci me ok, apa yang berlaku between us, biar tah us saja yang tahu. Jangan tah dihebohkan arah status facebook you. malu jua karang you.
P/s: lepas baca, harap senyum.
Bye – bye,
Yang banar,
Posted by Bella205 at 03:22 0 comments
Posted by Bella205 at 02:44 0 comments

Posted by Bella205 at 02:33 0 comments
23 February 2011
22 February 2011
Today school :)
Posted by Bella205 at 00:43 0 comments

you have to know this feeling, well not a serious feeling that i felt now. like we known as "Repeaters" and all those teacher keep saying ' welcome back to school students' and i was like daaa~~ and again 'welcome back school' . okay we are almost welcome at that day and big smile on my face saying that i'm too ready for my school. forget all the past what had done. this is new me to start all over again.
Posted by Bella205 at 00:22 0 comments
20 February 2011
Went to UBD open day today. and it really interested me, while my mom asking about diploma programe for me in IM(institute medicine).
they also show some activities on UBD, such as music club and so ever ! the most awesome one babe, and some of them play the gee to perform outside the UBD building. The UBD FM also being great ! we also had UBD tour with the students there. down here the picture :)

Posted by Bella205 at 00:48 0 comments
19 February 2011
Hello :D
Posted by Bella205 at 01:58 0 comments
18 February 2011

Posted by Bella205 at 02:01 0 comments
i went to wedding ceremony at bebuloh around 1pm, and i'm like jealous with his dowries for her bride and there was IPHONE 4. this was biggest present for the bride ! and i was wondering for my dowries for the future, hehe. i can saw $500 arranged on the frame, perfume, handband( im not sure what brand it's)
Posted by Bella205 at 01:39 0 comments

Posted by Bella205 at 01:07 0 comments
17 February 2011
Posted by Bella205 at 20:14 0 comments
14 February 2011
Posted by Bella205 at 01:29 0 comments
13 February 2011
hi all there !? uum via phone again :) people ! this valentine day , well this didicated for non-muslim people( i'am one of them , but i still worry with saying word v-a-l-e-n-t-i-n-e , like all people say it's illegal ) BUT SERIOUSLY i finished all the cover and had been upload last 2 hour ago. umm not here again, NO WORRY will share it here latter , okay for you ?
Posted by Bella205 at 19:51 0 comments
hai :p seriously i miss my guitar ! lama inda pingang my gee. like i use other guitar to play with since my string lost one, so i need new string, i miss kan buat cover with my own gee ;( :(
Posted by Bella205 at 00:33 0 comments
12 February 2011
Happy good sunday :D
HELLO PEEPS ! im using via mobile phone updating my blog, It seem i dont't have time to use lappy :P i went to eat outsite this Sunday and mom had plan it before. just simple order NASI AYAM ( this my first time have some order at that restaurant) . should know this[ i found my HARDNESS update my blog via mobile phone ] >.< story for last night : spend my time chat witH teacher Akhmar and she giving me some SECRET, WELL not a big secret. yeah it's last 12.20AM >.< how fun iS me ? [ SORRY i can't start new pharagraph yet ] Then tomorrow special day for those who celebrate valentine day( HEEMPH only dedicated to non-muslim :) ) otherwise i suggested to cover a song from kina grannis - valentine BUT i just being worry with my time now! desperate i want to cover this song but no time for me. so lets see either i can do these day or tomorrow or NEITHER :s sadly
Posted by Bella205 at 21:50 0 comments
8 February 2011
Posted by Bella205 at 05:43 0 comments
Posted by Bella205 at 00:17 0 comments
7 February 2011
HELLO - HA ! been inactive seen i got my result huh !
Posted by Bella205 at 23:58 0 comments
4 February 2011
Posted by Bella205 at 02:14 0 comments
Posted by Bella205 at 01:58 0 comments
1 February 2011

Posted by Bella205 at 06:54 0 comments
Posted by Bella205 at 04:42 0 comments