●Tuition presentation yesterday night about music, this was pretty awesome manh, i'm on number two after anitty. i choose my favorite song on YOUTUBE ( try by mellisa polinar) and present in front of my friends goosh ! .i don't know i talked much or not but in fact i felt satisfied with what i did last night. nyhehe. Teacher izzah play us the song and understand the meaning of the song.
● Hate talking about DISLIKE but i have too cause i have more story to share,
● class on CRISIS now ! god how could this happen . suck with this things. it's only 1 month we sit on that class and problem come between us. it's all about misunderstand between these two victim, OOH ! could not stand with them, even that ME as their pretty victim also get involved . seriously i hate someone who rule me. it's my own way manh . they are just like so sarcastic person . ok done :D
● BUT wait , i get trouble with my throat . it's like i'm cough every second and hurt me. aiish.
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