You know what i get during my birthday yesterday ?
so this is --->

i know this is sweet present that i ever received from someone.
he had spent time for 3 day to draw this picture and of course stole my picture also ^.^
and and look how sweet he had greet me. oh boy !
'' Its always a treat to wish a happy birthday to sumone so sweet..
It must have been a rainy day when u were born bcause the heavens were crying bcause it lost its most beautiful angel.
May ur days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors. And may ur nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come.
To the world, u may be one person. But to me, u are the world..
Once again, Happy Birthday. =) ''
It must have been a rainy day when u were born bcause the heavens were crying bcause it lost its most beautiful angel.
May ur days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors. And may ur nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come.
To the world, u may be one person. But to me, u are the world..
Once again, Happy Birthday. =) ''
special thank to Dee Sairee . love.
and this chocolate always from mom and dad ! they greet me when i woke in the morning and i was crying over di jamban pulang tu tym mandi 6 (^.^) ''
well , not forgotten to all of my friends , teachers , girlfriends,boyfriends for the greeting.
so much love that i have. i mostly cried awal awal pagi on facebook.
obviously, facebook so crowded kemarin ! seriously !
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