26 April 2009


ok, today great and goody day.just now im text with "my ex bf" annoying enough,, nether too boy.while i fell more different when u texting me..u begin mature,gentle,cutie and whatever. i suggest u could change that attitude when u with me baby.but it's over now.never mind ! i happy when u are happy beside other people outside there.while me too.but im not,

i like the way u make me happy,such my day is wonderfull.haha in early morning before esembly or after essembly started and over. i can see u standing with others friends looking for me.as i know u are. i will be more expensive.why ? i dont really want to show you that i am fell like you , i know u are with you girlfriend sometime up stare. even u do that.i can cover my self from looking u with other people.didn't mean im so jealous.hahaha.but,but now u with someone that u love.before i thought ,u never treat me again. but im wrong..u more than that.. ok im stop here.. :D