26 May 2009

The big b.I.G mistake

Now hai semua,here 27 of may , i have malay litarature today. Yes ok i have done just half of that paper. Sigh** few nee ah of my friends inclueding saya too doing a mistake. *shout* aargh this is impossible man! Me: ah,nda cukup paper ne, minta eh me: hand up* taib: *wonder* me: *mouth pointing to the sir sir: apaa,paper me: auu, so the sir take the blank paper for me as well. With not wasting my time, i quickly wrote my next question is sajak pak tua. Abis atu , i totally had a mistake. Mesti nya aku pilih 2 question lagi, bru complete.Ane inda. I wrote it 3 only, haha. Kanaa marah neey. Totally banggang ! Ok this is the end of my post. Next time i will be update some more.