12 February 2011

Happy good sunday :D

 HELLO PEEPS ! im using via mobile phone updating my blog, It seem i dont't have time to use lappy :P     i went to eat outsite this Sunday and mom had plan it before. just  simple order NASI AYAM ( this my first time have some order at that restaurant) . should know this[ i found my HARDNESS update my blog via mobile phone ] >.<    story for last night : spend my time chat witH teacher Akhmar and she giving me some SECRET, WELL not a big secret. yeah it's last 12.20AM >.< how fun iS me ? [ SORRY i can't start new pharagraph yet ]  Then tomorrow special day for those who celebrate valentine day( HEEMPH only dedicated to non-muslim :) ) otherwise i suggested to cover a song from kina grannis - valentine BUT i just being worry with my time now! desperate i want to cover this song but no time for me.  so lets see either i can do these day or tomorrow or NEITHER :s sadly