19 February 2011

Hello :D

i meet my uncle this morning, and he not going to work every saturday. so i greeted him with ' hai' and i spend my time play the gee with him. he heard few of my cover 0__0 valentine-kina grannis and back to december- taylor swift , i'm like should do this things to uncle, so i know what my bads and goods :D he give me both seriously ! :p

of cause he gave me some comments, well ! he say my gee quite good day by day, eseeh* and my vocal should be improved again.but what the end, i asked him random question, haa ( uncle jamming hari ne ?) cause i just wanted to know, and what i know that every night weekend noise will attack !!

eeem now ! i got new chords for ungu-percaya padaku, since he sang for me this song tadii, so i need the chord from him.

end :p